Happy Pet, Happy Home

Training Your Dog to Come When Called

Does your dog come when called or is he sort of a "Mom, not right now!" kind of dog? Learn the secrets to an almost perfect call.

Naturally Prevent and Get Rid of Fleas

The word "flea" strikes terror in the hearts of most pet owners.  Once they're in a home, it can be challenging to remove them.  Best solution is prevention.  Doing so naturally is a solution best for both you and your pet.

Home Remedies

From getting rid of fleas to caring for dry skin, let’s get those dog tails wagging.

Signs your Cat is Sick

Pet sickness symptoms, what they mean, and when to call your vet.

Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

You have insurance for your health, your car, your house, but what about your pets?

Cat Won't Use the Scratching Post

Cat owners universally want one thing... for their cats to use their scratching post instead of their furniture.  If this describes you, try these tricks.

We're always looking for new and innovative pet products either off the shelf or home-made.  As we discover these jewels, we'll post them here for your enjoyment.  Also here, you might just find some great flash deals.  We don't really search them out, yet somehow they seem to find us.  Nothing wrong with saving a buck or two when it comes to our pets.